
Brand Identity System Design // Brand Art + Creative Direction //
Website Design + Development // Photography // Copywriting // Social Media Strategy

A custom rebrand for a custom home builder.
Owner Joe Brons & his business were ready for a refreshed web design & brand identity. The brand identity we designed is strong, confident, and without extra fuss; much like Joe himself. We kept the aesthetic minimal to not impose too much personal style, instead allowing the individual style of his projects speak for themselves. The result is a platform that provides Brons Construction’s audience with increased knowledge, ease of use, and high quality spatial photography. Simplifying the web experience through precise consideration and design alleviated many pressure points for Joe, as well as elevated the Brons Construction user experience. It’s never been faster or easier to take the first steps in building a custom home.


E.H. Delamont Jewellers


Chacón Real Estate Group